Katjus Corner

Katju to Myanmar Journalists

Newslaundry comments: Aww! Who knew that beneath that tough exterior lies a heart of gold.

To the Journalists of Myanmar

I was very happy to meet a delegation of journalists from Myanmar and to have discussed many issues concerning the media of our two countries.

On behalf of the journalists of India, I wish to convey friendly and fraternal greetings to our brother and sister journalists in Myanmar who have waged a courageous struggle for getting democracy and freedom of speech in Myanmar. The journalists of Myanmar have made great sacrifices in the struggle for democracy and the Indian people, therefore, hold them in high esteem and admiration.

We wish the journalists of Myanmar further success in their brave struggle and contribution in restoration of democracy in Myanmar. I am sure that the journalists of Myanmar will continue doing their duty to the people of Myanmar in a courageous and responsible manner.

(Justice Markandey Katju)


Press Council of India

Image Source [http://www.flickr.com/photos/eguidetravel/6499481293/sizes/l/in/photostream/]