
My Paper Strongest

Is there no respite for The Times of India? Barely had the dust settled on their war of ads and claims and counter-claims with The Hindu, that Hindustan Times has decided to throw their gauntlet into the ring. In its Sunday Delhi edition, HT took a pot-shot at TOI by claiming that it is the No. 1 English language newspaper in Delhi-NCR on its front page.

HT claimed that its statement is based on readership figures, as opposed to TOI’s claim which is based on circulation figures (which according to HT, “ceased to be a measure long, long ago”). What’s more, HT also goes on to say that it is the choice among the “more educated and affluent households”. So, if you read TOI  you pretty much have been called less educated and just a tad poor.

Since we all know what happens when you claim to be ahead of the times, we’d suggest that HT  keep their ad campaign ready.

Get out the popcorn. It’s time for the Paper Wars – Part 2.