
Swamy trolls Rahul who trolls Narendra Modi who is where?

This is Rahul Gandhi’s dare to Prime Minister Narendra Modi:

Subramanian Swamy retaliated by calling Rahul Gandhi uneducated and alluded to his many bad habits.

And here’s Rahul Gandhi’s tweet for good measure, in case Narendra Modi missed him on television.

Yes, India has been Twitterised. Politicians have become trolls. There was a time when the level of speeches given by India’s politicians were of such high intellectual level that they were published in books. Today, they are competing on HOW LOW CAN YOU GO?

Rahul Gandhi’s fervid speech was applauded and cheered by Congress followers as he fired out shots with passion and rage. Certainly, this is a different Rahul Gandhi from the dazed man who stood by his mother as she conceded defeat to the Bharatiya Janata Party in the national elections in 2014. That appearance was noted for him smiling vacantly at people, wiggling his fingers at people in a strange Kate-Middleton wave and letting his mother face the funeral music.

So, the man set off on a sabbatical at the worst time as far as Parliament and the Congress Party were concerned. It can’t be ignored that he came back a changed man. He has lost his defensiveness and is incensed at the slightest provocation. When asked whether a visit to Dadri was a photo op for him, Rahul Gandhi lashed out aggressively.

And each time Rahul Gandhi does this, the Congress Party beams with pride like a grandmother watching her progeny dance at a school function.

Today, Rahul Gandhi lashed out at Narendra Modi, stooping as low as to taunt him about the measurement of his chest. Subramanian Swamy who has lived his life as a troll long before the term was invented, responded in kind with more insults, calling him uneducated with a cherry-on-top barb about his half-Italian DNA.

As reported in The Indian Express on November 19, 2015, there are two documents, one with Rahul Gandhi as a British citizen and another where it is corrected to Indian.

There is the likely possibility that Rahul Gandhi did not fill out and upload the details himself and a mistake was made on his behalf. That means some frightened accountant is going to get hell. But, whether the filing of the citizenship was an error or Rahul Gandhi is leading a double life in UK, a simple explanation was required from Rahul Gandhi. The chest beating, me-Tarzan, I’m-not-afraid-of-you yelping out to Narendra Modi is bound to bring a laugh, not only to Modi and the BJP, but also to much of the country which is on a perennial joke/meme alert when it comes to Rahul Gandhi. It sadly only looks comical. Invariably, Rahul Gandhi looks like a mouse that roars. If it was a mistake tell us. If you prefer to live in Hampshire, that’s your choice. Just give us the correct facts.