
NL Hafta – Episode 58

This week, Hindol Sengupta, editor at large of Fortune India, joins us on Hafta ​to talk about​ Kanhaiya, Karan Johar,​ crony capitalism, crony socialism and much more. Tune in to get a new perspective on communism, and we wonder if Vijay Mallya is just another brick in the wall of unpaid bank loans. We’ve also got our eye on Raj Thackeray’s call to burn autos and the top generator of news stories this week, Sri Sri Ravishankar.

For reference:

  1. NL Interviews Hindol Sengupta
  2. The history of ugliness shows that there is no such thing
  3. Ashok Malik: Implosion of the West: Left-Right ideological divide no longer makes sense of today’s world
  4. Venkatesh Rao: A Dent in the Universe
  5. Planet Money podcast: Brilliant vs. Boring
  6. Newslaundry: The Kanhaiya Kumar Interview
  7. Manmohan Singh: Architect of the New India

Listen to NL Hafta on iTunes here