
NL Hafta – Episode 62

On this week’s NL Hafta, we welcome our new Editor, Collaborations and Partnerships, Karuna John and discuss the latest happenings in the world. Things got heated as we sank our teeth into the Bigoted Vs Secular debate inspired by Charlie Hebdo‘s editorial, the importance of caste identity and other food-for-thought issues.


1) Story about 3 Dalit boys beaten in Rajasthan

2) A ride on India’s fastest train, Gatiman Express

3) Maya Angelou on Freedom

4) Truth Vs Hype:  Chhattisgarh’s War Without Witnesses

5) Panama Leaks explained in Vox through animation

6) Porn star explains Panama Leaks

7) New Yorker’s story The Voyeur’s Motel by Gay Telese

8) The Woman Who Would Be King By Kara Cooney

9) Death of a Dalit teen: Why has it escaped our attention?

10) We live in public documentary by Ondi Timoner

11) Charlie Hebdo: How did we end up here?

Listen to NL Hafta on iTunes here