
Haters gonna hate on Twitter, especially if they’re misogynist

How many times do you think the words ‘slut’ and ‘whore’ get used on Twitter over a period of three weeks? Take a wild guess.

The correct answer is 200,000.

A report by United Kingdom-based think tank Demos analysed the misogyny on social media, with special emphasis on Twitter users in UK. Roughly 9,500 abusive tweets are sent out every day from the UK. Internationally, however, the figures are equally shocking. The words ‘slut’ and ‘whore’ were used abusively 200,000 times, all over the world. The report studied tweets for a period of about three weeks, from April 23 to May 15, 2016.

Internationally, these abusive tweets were directed at 80,000 people, which included the likes of Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama and Beyonce. The report also revealed that 50 per cent of the propagators of such abusive tweets were women.