
The world is one big happy family thanks to Mumbai Mirror

So, Mumbai Mirror today put out a little gossip column on Buzzfeed Editor Rega Jha rooting for stand-up comic Tanmay Bhat in the aftermath of the snapchat storm. The key takeaway for us, though, was that people see little blue birds when they are in love. Besides the fact that the snippet was headlined “Conscientious Coupling”, it also made a completely random claim about  Jha being the daughter of Congress Spokesperson Sanjay Jha. They could have gone with Prakash Jha but thoda political masala necessary hota hai. Sanjay Jha responded to Mirror’s claim with this tweet:

Since then Twitter is having a fun day informing Mirror of all the possibilities similar surnames can generate.

Here’s our contribution:

Jacqueline Fernandez is George Fernandes’s grand daughter. She replaced ‘s’ with ‘z’ to get into movies.

Aishwarya Rai is Vinod Rai’s niece.

Barkha Dutt is Salman Butt’s sister. (We knew she’s a Pakistani.)

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is father of Anoushka Shankar.

Naresh Trehan is husband of Madhu Trehan. Oh wait, that’s actually true.