
Mohan Bhagwat, from Gajendra Chauhan to Leo diCaprio

What do Gajendra Chauhan, famous for playing Yudhishthir and infamous for being the chairman of Film and Television Institute of India, and Oscar-winning actor Leonardo diCaprio have in common? Mohan Bhagwat, chief of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) .

Earlier today, Chauhan went to meet Bhagwat in Nagpur, to invite him to Chauhan’s son’s wedding. To the media, Chauhan said Bhagwat was his “father figure“, which is the most cogent explanation for Chauhan’s appointment at FTII so far. Considering this intimate closeness between the two of them, one imagines Bhagwat is possibly less excited about hobnobbing with diCaprio later in July. Did you ever think there’d be a situation in which Chauhan would be ranked higher than diCaprio? Neither did we, but that’s what RSS is here for: to make real things we’d never imagined could be true.

Bhagwat will be in London at the end of July to celebrate the golden jubilee of RSS, which sounds a little odd for an organisation that has traditionally regarded the West with contempt, but it’s ok. Why shouldn’t RSS expand its horizons? Part of this empire-strikes-back effort of the RSS involves diCaprio, who will apparently show up at the gala event in London and tell us why we shouldn’t eat beef. DiCaprio is a vegan and we do hope he’ll tell the gathering — particularly those who are Krishna devotees — how dairy is evil.

What we’d really like to know is how much RSS is paying diCaprio for his appearance. Call us cynical, but we find it a little hard to believe that diCaprio would do all this simply because he feels deeply for living cows and as the sight of Kevin Spacey doing the lungi dance proved, Hollywood’s actors are a-ok with doing stupid things so long as there’s a paycheque involved.