What's New at NL?

Be our social influencer with engage.social

We don’t believe in celebrities and stars as ambassadors. For a reader-supported model like ours, we know there’s no better ambassador or influencer than YOU!
So if you like what you see on Newslaundry, we have got a new way for you to share Newslaundry content. And it comes with gifts!

To make sharing easier, we’ve got the engage.social widget on our website. See this?

You’ll be able to see it on every article.

engage.social lets you share articles instantly and securely on different social media platforms at once, without having to go to a third-party website.

The tool also lets you look at a leaderboard that displays your ‘Social Influencer Score’ – an index of your engage.social sharing activity associated with Newslaundry. Your rank and score are based on the articles you share and how much interest they generate on your and others’ social timelines.
Each month, we give out exciting NL merchandise to our top ten social influencers. So keep sharing, win merchandise and continue supporting independent media.

If you have any issues or queries, feel free to write in to us at contact@newslaundry.com.