TV Newsance

TV Newsance 160: How PM Modi’s security breach became a threat to his life on primetime

In a security breach this week, PM Narendra Modi’s cavalcade was stuck on a flyover for 20 minutes in Punjab. This led to 24/7 coverage on how Modi’s life is under threat. It quickly became an assassination attempt on primetime TV and all theories cropped up.

Sudhir Chaudhary on Zee News wondered if there was a hidden sharpshooter around, Amish Devgan on News18 theorised on an LTTE-style suicide attack. This was yet another plot to kill the PM, according to usual suspects. Meanwhile, the case of Muslim women being auctioned on an app in the Bulli Bai case was ignored.

Bonus: Arnab Goswami as an ambassador of suryanamaskar.

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