
'Arnab Goswami, the Tucker Carlson of India': John Oliver brings up Hotstar, censorship and more in new episode

After John Oliver ripped into Narendra Modi two weeks ago, India got another mention in the latest episode of his show, Last Week Tonight. Yet again, not for the most flattering reasons.

Oliver said "some diehard Modi supporters, like Arnab Goswami -- the Tucker Carlson of India -- did not enjoy" his take on Modi. Oliver played a clip from Goswami's promo for his show on Republic where Goswami says...well you have to watch it for yourself.

Goswami also called Oliver an "ignoramus of exceedingly global proportions", said he's "not even smart enough to be a satirist", and a "third-rate TV host" who "embarrassed" himself. This list is not exhaustive.

Oliver's response? "I’ll give you ignoramus. I’ll even give you third-rate TV host, my researchers assure me that’s an actual compliment. But I embarrassed myself? Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?...I'm beyond the capacity for shame. You can't hurt me!"

Oliver also discovered that streaming platform Hotstar didn't upload the episode of him lampooning Modi; Hotstar still hasn't explained why it quietly made this decision.

Oliver pointed out that Hotstar is owned by Disney and "seems to be extra sensitive about Disney references".

The full-length episode will be up tomorrow. Of course, it remains to be seen if Hotstar will withhold it again from its delicate Indian audience.

Update: The episode is up on Hotstar. No sign of the Modi episode, though.

Also Read: John Oliver's latest episode lampooned Narendra Modi. Why hasn't Hotstar uploaded it yet?