NL Interview: Erin Lee on how mindfulness can help you cope with social distancing

It can act as an anchor to bring you back to the present if you're spiralling.

WrittenBy:NL Team


Erin Lee is a mindfulness coach and the founder and CEO of an organisation called Mindful Moments Singapore. A professional certified stress management consultant, as recognised by the Institute of Motivational Living, a hypnotherapist, and a lecturer, Erin talks to Meghnad S about how the practice of mindfulness can be beneficial to us in these challenging times.

Mindfulness, a form of attention training, helps us to pay attention to the present moment which includes being aware about our internal and external environment. Erin says social isolation without a definitive end has led to people feeling restless, bored and unstimulated, accompanied by anxiety on what is to come next. Mindfulness helps us in “learning to be aware of these emotions without being too attached or too engaged with them”, while helping us track the trigger of our responses.

Erin describes mindfulness as “very adaptable and flexible”, and explains how it can act as an anchor to bring ourselves back to the present if we’re spiralling about worries of the past and future. For beginners she recommends that we open our five senses to take in the present, even if it is as simple as drinking a cup of coffee!



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