TV Newsance Episode 86: Bandra migrant crisis twist

Your weekly dose of all the insanity that passes off as news on TV.

WrittenBy:NL Team

On April 14, scores of migrants had gathered outside Bandra depot to put forward their demand to go back home. TV news anchors decided to add some tadka to this gathering — they threw in words like “saazish” and “masjid”.

Arnab Goswami told us that they were not migrants at all, Padmaja Joshi said this was a huge conspiracy, Rajat Sharma helpfully questioned why the crowd had gathered outside a mosque. Such dogwhistling, much wow.

We looked at all the TV news coverage on this and then spoke to our reporter Prateek Goyal on the ground. Prateek tells us what these TV news anchors didn’t. You can read his report here.



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