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Hafta 310: Capitol riots, Julian Assange, and Central Vista project cleared

The podcast where we discuss the news of the week.

WrittenBy:NL Team

This week on NL Hafta, it's an all-Newslaundry panel of Abhinandan Sekhri, Raman Kirpal, Manisha Pande, Anand Vardhan, and Jayashree Arunachalam.

The conversation starts with the big news of Trump supporters storming the Capitol in Washington DC. Abhinandan and Raman discuss the news coverage and the speech Trump made prior to the siege. The panelists also discuss the stand that the American media took on the issue, the attack on journalists, and how social media banned Trump.

On Julian Assange being denied bail, Anand says Assange’s methods of data collection amount to “information banditry” and adversely affected those who did not want to disclose private information to the public. Manisha says that for her, it’s important to look at the end result of covert operations to decide whether the ends justify the means.

The panelists also talk about the Supreme Court’s go-ahead to the Central Vista project, the anticipated Covid vaccination drives in India, the difficulty of doing research, and more.

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