During a meeting of the Information Technology parliamentary panel headed by Shashi Tharoor, two reports – on internet shutdowns and ethical standards in media – were learnt to have been adopted on Tuesday, the Indian Express reported. These reports will be tabled in Parliament during the winter session beginning November 29.
The IT Standing Committee wants the government to assess the economic and human impact of internet shutdowns in a country which has been called the “shutdown capital” of the world.
The report is learnt to state that internet shutdowns cannot be arbitrary, the paper reported. The panel wants a proper “government mechanism for constant review of the impact and effect of internet shutdowns”, and how “such disruptions border on violation of fundamental rights”, according to the media report.
These shutdowns have a deep impact on livelihoods, and amount to violation of the right to livelihood, the panel is learnt to have assessed, according to the Indian Express.
Cellular operators were also presented before the panel who complained of “hourly losses” during shutdowns.
The panel, last year, was advised by the Supreme Court to “not take sub-judice issues,” like the Jammu and Kashmir internet shutdown. However, the court had reiterated that internet access is a fundamental right.
The Hindu reported, “there were no verifiable, centralised records of Internet shutdowns in the country”, as pointed out by Tharoor’s parliamentary standing committee.