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What’s Your Ism? Ep 6 feat. Sitaram Yechury on caste, China and ‘anti-Dalit’ communists

A podcast about ideas and ideologies.

WrittenBy:NL Team

Amid the ongoing election fever, the Left parties are looking to regain their lost ground. But what are the limitations facing the Red Flag? Why do Indian communists share a difficult relationship with the anti-caste movement? And what is happening in the international communist movement?  

In this special two-part episode on What's Your Ism, Sudipto Mondal speaks to the two tallest leaders of the Indian communist movement – Sitaram Yechury, general secretary of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), and D Raja, general secretary of the Communist Party of India. 

In part one, Yechury talks about his anti-caste assertions, and confronting caste in his Brahmin household by cutting off his janeu or sacred thread. He also sheds light on the Indian communist’s relationship with the anti-caste movement, laal-neel alliance, and global affairs. 

The Marxist politician also speaks about Ukraine war’s connection with India, the commonalities between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Russian counterpart Valdmir Putin, “akhand Russia”, the international communist movement, and his trip to China.   


Also see
article imageWhat’s Your Ism? Ep 5 feat. RS Praveen Kumar on anti-caste movement, switch to BRS
article imageWhat’s Your Ism? Ep 4 feat. Sagarika Ghose on liberalism, BJP, media
article imageWhat’s Your Ism? Ep 3 feat. Suniti Bhikkuni on caste, gender and Buddhism


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