Let The Media Rumble Begin!

Madhu Trehan kicks off The Media Rumble with her inaugural address.

WrittenBy:Madhu Trehan
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Welcome to the first Media Rumble.

In some sense we’re living in the midst of a perfect storm for news. As fast as information travels today, in a hyper connected world, it also means the disagreements and fissures that always exist become more visible, making groups and camps. Economic models have evolved and the world in general has gotten richer and stakes higher and that impacts news as well. All these points of reference together make this the most exciting age to live in. Challenges but also opportunities. This is possibly the most challenging time for media professionals and The Media Rumble is our way of getting us together with the stakeholders: that is news consumers, to ideate and evolve. We need to if we are to survive. Competition is all well and good for business but collaboration is more important for the cause of news. And for that we can all come together and engage. There are several news professionals and organisations that believe we must talk to everyone and be open to critique without getting defensive. Newslaundry too is one such and we have much to learn from all of you, even as we have fun at your expense while doing so. We hope The Media Rumble will become a space where reporters, correspondents, editors, owners of news organisations and of course, consumers of news will unhesitatingly bring up concerns about journalism. So thank you for your presence, your involvement and the ecosystem all of you have created. There is much to be proud of, and much to be looked at critically and addressed. We do that with the attitude of a community who has the shared ideals and values even as we have differing perspectives. Let The Media Rumble begin!

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