NL Interviews: Madhu Trehan in conversation with Rajat Gupta

Rajat Gupta presents his side of the facts of the case and why he feels no sense of contrition.

WrittenBy:NL Team
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Madhu Trehan interviews Rajat Gupta, the former managing director of McKinsey & Co. and author of the book Mind Without Fear. Gupta was sentenced to two years in prison after what is considered to be one of the most controversial insider trading cases. Through the interview, he presents what he believes is an “authentic rendition” of what he knows as the facts of the case.

Gupta says: “This is the most unusual case in insider trading history. There is no benefit, no establishment of criminal intent. They made up a case, and they succeeded.” Madhu asks him about his former protégé Anil Kumar testifying against him. She also asks him why his book lacks any contrition.

Tune in to know more about why Gupta says he forgave everyone who caused his stay in prison, how he stands by the fact that there was no concrete evidence of insider trading against him, his estranged relationship with McKinsey and Co., and why he believes the question should shift away from “why” he committed the crime.

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