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NL Interviews: Prayaag Akbar on freedom of expression and Leila, his upcoming Netflix series

Akbar discusses differences between the show and his book, and how well caste and class consciousness has been translated on screen.

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Newslaundry’s editor-in-chief Madhu Trehan sits down with journalist and writer Prayaag Akbar, whose book Leila is being made into a Netflix series.

Madhu asks what he thinks about the differences between the book and the show, and what inspired Leila in the first place. In the context of the book, they discuss various social and political issues, like the authority that “community elders” wield in representing the beliefs of a religious community. Prayaag uses the example of Section 377 to illustrate his point. Madhu asks him how adequately he feels class and caste consciousness has been depicted in the series, something which was important to the book.

Tune in as they talk about ideology and freedom of expression and, of course, more about Leila which will stream on Netflix from June 14, 2019. Madhu also talks to Leila’s director Deepa Mehta and actor Huma Qureshi, who plays the lead role in the series, so watch this space.


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