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NL Interview: Amish Raj Mulmi on Nepal-China relations, anti-Indianism in Nepal, and his latest book

Amish is a journalist and the author of All Roads Lead North: Nepal's Turn To China.

WrittenBy:NL Team

Amish Raj Mulmi is a writer and journalist. In this interview with Newslaundry’s Mehraj D Lone, Amish talks about his book All Roads Lead North: Nepal's Turn To China, the history of Nepal’s relations with China, and how anti-India sentiments form the basis of Nepali nationalism.

On the history of Nepali leaders turning away from India, Amish cites the examples of Pushpa Kamal Dahal Prachanda and KP Oli. “Nepali politicians play close to India when it’s in their interest, right?” he says. “But when it seems like India is not supporting them or not encouraging them too much, anti-Indianism is always the right fodder.”

He also explains the “fallacy” of Nepal being a mini Hindu rashtra and what the Kalapani territorial issue means to Nepal.


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