Hafta letters: Subscribers and NL Sena, audio quality, religion podcast

NL subscribers get back with bouquets and brickbats!

WrittenBy:NL Team
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Hi NL Hafta team, greetings from the Netherlands.

I’ve been a subscriber for some time and I enjoy the freewheeling banter that this podcast provides. This contribution is unique because on several occasions, interesting anecdotes by this eclectic group make the subject more relatable. To me, it also serves as a bonding moment to the milieu of my country.

It is frankly disheartening to witness that the onset of a mighty revelation like Pegasus does not shake the foundations of this dubious bunch of imbeciles who are masquerading as a government. Pardon my use of strong words but I cannot fathom how have we come this far in a span of few years. What do you guys think about this?

On a lighter note, I must add that Abhinandan said in one of the earlier podcasts that this cabinet has not read two books amongst themselves; well, now we know what they were busy reading. Thanks to the whole NL team for standing tall in the ad-free journalism space.


Poorvi Shukla


Keeping the praise short, I <3 NL! Have two suggestions and one criticism.

1) Can you involve subscribers to participate in NL Sena projects? This should be done for an additional fee and with specific roles (and no return policy). Or they can pay to fund aspiring journalists' training, looking at the dirt we see on screen.

2) News channel discussions are a joke. Can Hafta try to have politicians come and redeem themselves? There was a beauty in watching Jaitley debate with Sibal when we were growing up. Let's make the politician serious and impactful.

3) Can you use Anand more judiciously? Else there is a danger of him becoming the Mukhtar Naqvi of NL as the right pravakta.

Kumud Shankar


Hi NL team,

I have been a regular listener of Hafta for the last year and always look forward to tuning in every weekend for the insightful discussions and some of the great panel guests you bring on.

I actually have feedback on the remote NL interviews in the Covid era, which give a great opportunity to bring on guests that otherwise could be difficult to schedule in person. But a gripe I have is the poor audio quality (understandably because of the telecon nature) which often makes me lose attention to an otherwise great discussion. I wonder if there is something that can be done at production level (better mics or some other postprocessing) that could make the audio quality better?

Also, by the way, love the work of Newsance and Tippani team, and I just contributed to my first ever NL Sena project after constant reminders from Abhinandan (they work!).


Vatsal Panwar


New subscriber here! Listened to Hafta 338 and I really liked it.

Just wanted to ask you that you mentioned in Hafta 337 that you guys are going to bring good stuff on the subject of religion. So, can you please update us more on the same? Thank you team. Insha allah, I'll be a permanent subscriber. Mere kharche par aazad he khabrain.



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