Hafta 353: COP26, bypoll impact and Kejriwal’s free pilgrimage promise

The podcast where we discuss the news of the week.

WrittenBy:NL Team
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This week on NL Hafta, Abhinandan Sekhri, Raman Kirpal and Jayashree Arunachalam are joined by Harjeet Singh, senior advisor for Climate Action Network International, and Lou Del Bello, climate and energy journalist.

During a discussion on the ongoing COP26 summit, Abhinandan points out Barbados PM Mia Mottley’s speech and takes a dig at issues linked to climate finance. “Rich countries don’t want to give up that money, which is not aid or favour but an obligation because they are the ones who caused the crisis,” Harjeet says.

Lou, however, stresses on the upside. “People are more aware and there is more attention in finding the right instrument to fund the issue,” she says.

The conversation then moves to the recently announced bypoll results, and AAP chief Kejriwal’s speech in Goa promising free pilgrimage to major religious spots in India.

This and a lot more on this week’s Hafta.

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Hafta letters: Mumbai police vs NCB, Newslaundry back on YouTube, the Indian conservative

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