The Glorious Tale of Lt Harpal Singh Ahluwalia

He may not be decorated, but this soldier was a hero. Listen to this tale from the 1971 war

WrittenBy:Lt Gen H S Panag
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On December 8, I971, 4 Sikh was camping on the outskirts of Jessore, a military cantonment in erstwhile East Pakistan. One month earlier, in November, through preliminary tactical operations, 9 Infantry Division of India had drawn forward Pakistan’s 107 Infantry Brigade out of the bastion of Jessore into a defensive arc 10 -15 kilometres to the West, to cover the three axes leading to the cantonment. These gaps were exploited using General Aurora’s operational strategy of ” leave the highways and take the byways”. After some intense fighting to clear selected defences, breakthrough was achieved on December 6 and Jessore was in our hands by December 7.

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