ObituaryIthu oru pon maalai pozhuthu: How I learned about my mother through the music of SPB TR Vivek26 Sep, 2020
MediaMylapore Times: In times of Covid, this community newspaper holds lessons for Big Media TR Vivek11 Jul, 2020
OpinionIf you think Covid-19 is making Nature heal itself, then Genghis Khan was the greenest ruler ever TR Vivek08 May, 2020
OpinionNobody Speak: Gawker’s shutdown wasn’t a morality tale, it was a test of free speechTR Vivek11 Jul, 2017
ObituaryObituaryIthu oru pon maalai pozhuthu: How I learned about my mother through the music of SPB TR Vivek26 Sep, 2020
MediaMediaMylapore Times: In times of Covid, this community newspaper holds lessons for Big Media TR Vivek11 Jul, 2020
OpinionOpinionIf you think Covid-19 is making Nature heal itself, then Genghis Khan was the greenest ruler ever TR Vivek08 May, 2020
CriticlesCriticlesWhat The Quint’s recent fiasco tells us about digital journalismTR Vivek09 Jan, 2018
OpinionOpinionNobody Speak: Gawker’s shutdown wasn’t a morality tale, it was a test of free speechTR Vivek11 Jul, 2017